
So, here's the current design in a nutshell. There are a few php pages, one each for the basic types of searches. They speak directly to the database (poor design, but I don't know a better way using you?), and execute 0...n browser supplied sql queries. The php page generates XML from the result set(s), and (optionally) specifies an XSL Transform document to be applied (which the browser does). The browser gets the xml, sees which xslt is specified, which it then retrieves. It applies the XSLT to the XML to get HTML, which has a javascript sql creator for the search piece - so that the browser can generate the sql for the next search.

Currently, I'd like to get some people to "peer review" the design and implementation. Suggestions for new tables/additions to tables is good, but it's most important to make sure that I didn't miss anything key, that will make for difficult modifications later. Also need somebody good with html guis to make the xsl transforms (in this case, it looks very much like html... it's very easy to pick up given an example), somebody to work on the search section (to add more options), and somebody to start working on the UI for inserting/updating data.

Code (you'll probably want to right click/save locally to view):